Python Data Analysis. Ivan Idris


Python is one of the most popular languages today, as it supports several programming paradigms simultaneously: object-oriented, functional, imperative, and aspect-oriented. This book promises to teach you how to produce high-quality data analysis using Python, as well as its accompanying packages and modules(NumPy, SciPy, matplotlib, pandas, IPython, Cython, scikit-learn and NLTK). The author talks about such topics as data visualization, signal processing, time series analysis, databases and machine learning.

Thanks to Python Data Analysis you:
✔ learn how to install Python modules on a variety of platforms;
✔ learn the basics of NumPy including arrays;
✔ learn how to manage your data using pandas;
✔ be able to extract, process, store and visualize data;
✔ get experience with NoSQL databases;
✔ get information about data modeling and machine learning;
✔ learn how to do cloud computing and more.

➕ relevance of the topic;
➕ the presence of a large number of examples.

➖ code examples are written in Python 2.

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