The Linux Philosophy for SysAdmins. D. Both


 Writing a book is not a solitary activity and The Linux Philosophy for System Administrators is no exception. It takes a team to produce a book as well as some personal cheerleaders. The most important person in this effort has been my awesome wife, Alice, who has been my head cheerleader throughout this process. I could not have done this without the support of you gave me, my best friend, my sweetheart.
Many times the hardest part of publishing a book of any kind is selling it to a publisher. I already had about 20,000 words written when I went to All Things Open (ATO) in Raleigh, North Carolina, in October of 2017 with the intent of picking people's brains for publishers that they would recommend. I had already asked the smart and talented Rikki Endsley, community manager and editor at for whom I write frequent articles, if she could help me out. Rikki gave me a short list of people she knew from her years in technical publishing and two of the publishers on the list were at ATO. I owe many thanks to Rikki for her support over the time I have been writing for, for pointing me to Apress, and for being an understanding friend. Thanks also for being a fantastic cheerleader, not just for me, but also for many of the authors who write for

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