Linux. The Textbook. 2-Ed S. M. Sarwar and R. M. Koretsky


 This edition has had many new diagrams and tables added, and there are many new in-chapter tutorials, interactive shell sessions, in-chapter exercises, and end-of-chapter questions and problems. We have partitioned the end-of-chapter questions and problems into basic and advanced, with project-level problems presented as well. These project-level problems can be done in the short term in a single week or can stretch over the course of an entire term if used in a formal learning environment.
We have added more general command descriptions whenever we introduce a new command or utility. These general command descriptions describe the exact syntax of the command (and any other pertinent variants of the basic syntax), its purpose, the output produced by the command, and its useful options and features. In addition, every chapter contains a summary of the material covered in the chapter. There is also an appendix that shows how to install key software used throughout the book for both Debian and Red Hat family systems.

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