Are you frustrated with all the complicated jargon that is in most Java programming guides? Do you want to learn Java in the simplest, most clear-cut way possible? If so, then you are in the right spot. You will be taken by the hand to understand all of the basics (and more) of the java programming language in the simplest way possible. We've all been there...That time when we first glanced at the Java programming language, and felt our stomach sink at the thought of how overwhelming and confusing this language looks. So we just stare at it for a while and hopes that some sort of osmosis will take over and the language will somehow be implanted into our brains. Well...obviously that is not the case. However, you are in luck today because you found this Java programming guide that will make it as simple as possible for you to learn the Java language. By the end of this book, I promise you will feel highly confident and comfortable with Java. Here is a glimpse of the topics you will learn: - Java - Basic Syntax - Objects and Classes - Basic Data Types - Variable Types - Operators in Java - Loops in Java - Decision Making - Strings in Java - Arrays - Regular Expressions - Methods - File Handling - Exception Handling - Interfaces and Packages - Java Applets